Community Life

Sharing the ordinary days of life together.

We value the opportunity to gather in smaller settings to share meals, share life, and pursue Jesus together.


Formation Discussion:

Following our morning service on the second through the last Sunday of each month, we are offering a time for discussion and reflection around the spiritual formation practices that we are exploring. Grab a coffee and then meet us in the front of the sanctuary. This is an open conversation, so feel free to join any week that you are available, even if you can’t make it each and every time.

Fellowship Meals:

On the first Sunday of each month, we hold a fellowship meal after the church service. This is a time for our entire church body to gather together around a table and share in each other’s lives. Whether you are able to contribute food to our meal or not, you are welcome to join us!

Coffee & Tea with Pastor Paul:

On Thursday mornings 9-10am, Pastor Paul hosts a weekly devotional with coffee and tea provided. We meet in the front foyer of the fellowship hall. Come join us for a time of encouragement in the Word while spending time together in community.

Community Groups:

Coming soon - stay tuned for more info.